indirect cost centre
Смотреть что такое "indirect cost centre" в других словарях:
indirect cost centre — See: service cost centre … Accounting dictionary
service cost centre — indirect cost centre; = service department; = support cost centre A cost centre to which costs are allocated or apportioned in absorption costing; though the service cost centre is necessary to carry out the production process, it is incidental… … Accounting dictionary
service cost centre — indirect cost centre; service department; support cost centre A cost centre to which costs are allocated or apportioned in absorption costing; though the service cost centre is necessary to carry out the production process, it is incidental to it … Big dictionary of business and management
Cost centre — Cost centres are divisions that add to the cost of the organization, but only indirectly add to the profit of the company. Typical examples include Research and Development, Marketing and Customer service.Companies may choose to classify business … Wikipedia
Cost centre (business) — In business, a cost centre or cost center is a division that adds to the cost of an organization, but only indirectly adds to its profit. Typical examples include research and development, marketing and customer service.[1] There are some… … Wikipedia
indirect costs — indirect expenses Expenses that cannot be traced directly to a product or cost unit and are therefore overheads (compare direct costs). As some indirect product costs may, however, be regarded as cost centre direct costs, the indirect cost centre … Accounting dictionary
indirect costs — indirect expenses Expenses that cannot be traced directly to a product or cost unit and are therefore overheads (compare direct costs). Some indirect product costs may, however, be regarded as cost centre direct costs; the indirect cost centre… … Big dictionary of business and management
indirect labour costs — /ˌɪndaɪrekt leɪbə kɒsts/ plural noun the cost of paying employees not directly involved in making a product such as cleaners or canteen staff. Such costs cannot be allocated to a cost centre … Marketing dictionary in english
indirect labour costs — /ˌɪndaɪrekt leɪbə kɒsts/ plural noun the cost of paying employees not directly involved in making a product such as cleaners or canteen staff. Such costs cannot be allocated to a cost centre … Dictionary of banking and finance
GLBTTQ Community Centre of Ottawa — The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans, Two Spirit, and Queer Community Centre of Ottawa is an incorporated non profit organization which works towards providing a community centre for the LGBT community in Ottawa, the capital of Canada. History GLBTQ … Wikipedia
Missile Approach Warning — A Missile Approach Warning system is part of the avionics package on some military aircraft. A sensor detects attacking missiles. Its automatic warning cues the pilot to make a defensive maneuver and deploy the available countermeasures to… … Wikipedia